Simple 3D Scanners vs High-end 3D Scanners - Pros, Cons, and Comparison

November 16, 2021

Simple 3D Scanners vs High-end 3D Scanners - Pros, Cons, and Comparison

3D scanning is an important technology that has gained widespread popularity in numerous industries, from healthcare to engineering, to entertainment. It provides an accurate digital representation of real-world objects or spaces that can be used for various purposes, including 3D printing, visualization, and augmented reality. However, choosing the right 3D scanner may not be an easy task, especially with the variety of options available in the market. In this blog post, we’ll compare simple 3D scanners with high-end 3D scanners, exploring their pros, cons, and differences to help you make an informed decision about which one is right for you.

Simple 3D Scanners

Simple 3D scanners are typically affordable, easy to use, and portable devices that can capture basic 3D data of objects. They are suitable for hobbyist or beginner-level applications that don’t require high accuracy or precision. Simple 3D scanners use various technologies to capture 3D data, including structured light, photogrammetry, and laser triangulation.


  • Affordable cost, usually less than $1000
  • Easy to use and setup, often coming with pre-installed software that is intuitive
  • Portable and lightweight, making it easy to carry around to various locations
  • Ideal for hobbyist, educational, or beginner-level applications
  • Can capture basic 3D data of objects


  • Lower accuracy and precision compared to high-end 3D scanners
  • Limited scanning range and resolution
  • Limited compatibility with complex materials or geometries
  • May not work well in low-light conditions

High-end 3D Scanners

High-end 3D scanners are usually expensive, sophisticated devices that provide high accuracy and precision. They are suitable for industrial or professional-level applications that require complex geometric measurements, high-resolution scans, and precise color data. High-end 3D scanners use advanced technologies such as laser scanning, time-of-flight, or structured light patterns to capture 3D data.


  • High accuracy and precision, with a scanning resolution of up to 0.01mm
  • Large scanning range and field of view, allowing the capture of entire objects or spaces
  • Suitable for complex geometries or materials, such as reflective surfaces or organic shapes
  • Can capture detailed color data
  • Compatible with numerous post-processing and analysis software programs


  • High cost, often ranging from $20,000 to $100,000
  • Complex setup and operation, requiring specialized training and expertise
  • Large and heavy, making them less portable
  • Ideal for industrial or professional-level applications
  • May require specific environmental conditions such as proper lighting and stability


To better understand the differences between simple 3D scanners and high-end 3D scanners, we’ve created this comparison table:

Feature Simple 3D Scanners High-end 3D Scanners
Cost Less than $1000 $20,000 to $100,000
Accuracy Lower Higher up to 0.01 mm
Range Limited Large
Resolution Limited High
Material Limited Complex
Setup Easy Complex
Portability Portable Large
Use Case Hobbyist or beginner-level Industrial or professional-level


Choosing the right 3D scanner depends on your specific needs and budget. Simple 3D scanners are suitable for hobbyist or beginner-level applications that require basic 3D data of objects. They’re affordable, easy to use, and portable. High-end 3D scanners are suitable for industrial or professional-level applications that require high accuracy and precision scanning of complex geometries and materials. They’re expensive, require specialized training, and are less portable, but they can capture highly detailed 3D data.

In the end, the right 3D scanner is the one that meets your specific needs and budget. Don’t forget to do your research and read reviews to find the best option for you.


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